Data science

Education / research / innovation

Thanks to its internationally competitive universities and research institutes, an active innovation system and a strong vocational training system, Switzerland is ideally positioned in the areas of education, research and innovation. There is always room to develop these areas further, however. This means continually addressing new challenges for institutions and their governance, positioning offerings as effectively as possible, and optimally coordinating the roles and tasks of the federal and cantonal governments and other stakeholders. econcept supports the responsible institutions and government and cantonal authorities in the development of education, research and innovation by laying the groundwork for sound strategic decision-making and advising institutions in relation to their strategic processes.

We provide support to Swiss universities and their national committees in the form of analyses and foundations for decision-making so that they can improve their profile and positioning in the context of international standards of excellence, national roles and competition with each other.

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  • Education / research / innovation

    Analyse organisationnelle HES-SO

    Im Auftrag des Comité gouvernemental der HES-SO führt econcept AG eine Analyse der Organisation und der Leistungen des Rektorats und der Zentralen Dienste gemäss Leistungsauftrag 2017 bis 2020 durch.

  • Education / research / innovation

    Stratégie IUFRS 2021

    econcept soutient l’Institut universitaire de formation et de recherche en soins – IUFRS dans son processus stratégique 2021.

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We focus on the conceptual design of research and innovation and answer questions such as how knowledge and technology can successfully be transferred from academia to industry and society or how government departments can handle research interests as effectively as possible.

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We produce studies and evaluations on vocational education and training (VET) in Switzerland and abroad. The main areas of interest here are the design, funding and skills focus of the training opportunities on offer, as well as the optimisation of cooperation between the relevant partners.

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Reference project: Vocational education and training

Evaluation 2021 zur Studierfähigkeit der Berufsmaturitätsabsolventen/innen

econcept AG evaluierte in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Dr. Doreen Holtsch (PH St.Gallen) die Studierfähigkeit von Berufsmaturitätsabsolventen/innen an Fachhochschulen. Die Evaluation zeigt mögliche Anpassungen zur Weiterentwicklung der BM auf.

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  • Education / research / innovation

    Auslegeordnung zur Positionierung der höheren Fachschulen

    econcept erarbeitet eine breit abgestützte Auslegeordnung zur Positionierung der HF. Die nationale und internationale Positionierung der HF werden auf Stärken/Schwächen analysiert und Massnahmen zur Verbesserung der Positionierung identifiziert.

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