On 4 December 2017, the FOEN and SFOE's Compensation Office held an information event in Berne on CO2 offset projects in Switzerland. Christian Vogler presented the study on the simplified proof of additionality («positive list») of compensation projects in the district heating sector. The study and the associated Excel tool were published in October.
On 29 November 2017, Reto Dettli moderated the Forum Energie event on «Networks of the Future». The well-attended event focused on the increasing convergence of grid-connected energy sources from the perspective of areas, an electricity network operator and an energy service provider.
econcept develops a basis for the decision whether and if so, which measures are suitable for the promotion of cycling for children and adolescents moving in the city of Zurich. Results will be available in spring 2018.
Within the 6th EU-Framework Programme, econcept developed for the integrated project NEEDS (New Energy Externalities Developments for Sustainability) a methodology to assess biodiversity losses due to land use changes and airborne emissions of energy production and consumption.